GREAT read. Barbara Kingsolver is the queen of telling a great story with a purpose. This novel takes on climate change but it's only a piece of the story. In Appalachia, a woman dissatisfied with her lot in life seeks momentary escape in a flirtation with a man. But on her way to meet this man, she runs into a mysterious vision. Suddenly, the small town is overrun with scientists, journalists, sightseers, and hanger-oners. She is made a hero, a villain, and a woman without morals by her staunchly conservative ... and confused... hometown. It's a great read - and I hate to admit that I actually learned something about butterflies as well!
Barbara Kingsolver
Bagsværdvej 87B 2800 Kongens Lyngby
Bagsværdvej 87B 2800 Kongens Lyngby
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